Common infectious diseases in our daily life ?
-How to get along with pathogenic microbes around us-
This book introduces microbial pathogens causing infectious diseases in our families and daily life. Pathogenic bacteria, fungi and virus cannot be seen by naked eye, but really exist around us. So, beautiful electron microscopic photos of these organisms help us to understand about the microorganisms very well, and many illustrations helps us to know the various methods of precaution. This book introduces a lot of information on common infectious diseases in our daily life. With many photographs, illustrations and universal design, it is easy to understand for everyone. 【specification】 182 x 257mm(hardcover):48page(Full Color)
【ISBN Number】 978-4-900960-17-6
【price】 \2,800(tax excluded)
【date of issue】 Feb. 05, 2009
【publisher】 ICAM CO., LTD.
Takeda, Yoshifumi
 (ex-Director-general, National Institute of Infectious Diseases)

【order】 bookstore(in Japan) / asmazon.co.jp / junku.fr /
50 Years Challenges to Infectious Diseases One of major parts of the history of human beings is a battle against infectious diseases. Professor Yoshifumi Takeda, Director of the India-Okayama University Research Center in Kolkata, has been contributing his valuable effort to this battle as a scientist and a medical doctor from beginning of his carrier around 50 years. This book contains interesting and important records of past and recent scientific challenges to infectious diseases, especially to food poisoning: episode as to the massive outbreak of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 in Sakai City in Japan, in 1997, a discovery of Vibrio parahaemolyticus by Dr. Tunesaburou Fujino, and also botulinum and cholera caused by a new type of Vibrio cholera. 【specification】 127 x 188mm(softcover):416page(Color 16page)
【ISBN Number】 978-4-900960-15-2
【price】 \2,400(tax excluded)
【date of issue】 Sep. 08, 2008
【publisher】 ICAM CO., LTD.
Takeda, Yoshifumi
 (Director, Collaborative Research Center
  of Okayama University for Infectious Diseases in India)

【order】 bookstore(in Japan) / amazon.co.jp / junku.fr /
What is iPS cell ? What is iPS cell ? The handbook answers this question. Human body is composed from over 200 kinds of about 60 trillion cells. The start is only one cell, fertilized egg. The differentiated cell returned to early stage, as iPS cell. How to make iPS cell ? What potentiality is in it ? It is easy to understand for beginners by photographs: 5 photographs of iPS cell furnished by Prof. Shinya Yamanaka and 124 beautiful photographs of live cells filmed by the scientific film production, ICAM CO., LTD. 【specification】 128 x 182mm(softcover):148page(Full Color)
【ISBN Number】 978-4-900960-14-5
【price】 \1,900(tax excluded)
【date of issue】 Jun. 01, 2008
【publisher】 ICAM CO., LTD.
Nakahata, Tatsutoshi
 (Professor, Kyouto University)
 (Deputy Director,
  Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, Kyoto Univ.)
【author】 Hurutani, Mio / ICAM (Takeda, Asobu/Kawamura, Tomoko)

【order】 bookstore(in Japan) / amazon.co.jp / junku.fr /
写真集「気道感染その1 結核 -気道の営みと結核感染-」
Respiratory infection I Tuberculosis 
-Workings of the respiratory tract and tuberculosis infections-
かつて大流行し、現在、再び流行の兆しを見せる結核。結核研究所の協力を得て、気道を舞台にしておこる結核感染にさまざまな角度から迫る、アイカム写真集第2弾です。 【specification】 210 x 257mm(hardcover):265page(Full Color)
【ISBN Number】 978-4-900960-02-2
【price】 \8,200(tax excluded)
【date of issue】 Jul. 2000
【publisher】 ICAM CO., LTD.
Shimao, Tadao
 (Adviser, Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association)
 (Honorary-Director, Research Institute of Tuberculosis)
Abe, Chiyoharu
 (Manager of Basic Study, Research Institute of Tuberculosis)
Sugawara, Isamu
 (Chairman of Molecular Pathology, Research Institute of Tuberculosis)
【editor】 Takeda, Junichiro (ICAM)

【order】 bookstore(in Japan) / amazon.co.jp /
Enteral infection
赤痢、コレラ、O157、なぜ下痢が生命を奪うのか。腸管を舞台にしておこるダイナミックな細菌“感染”のストーリーを350点の写真で記録しました。 【specification】 210 x 257mm(hardcover):232page(60Color:172BW)
【ISBN Number】 978-4-900960-01-5
【price】 \5,600(tax excluded)
【date of issue】 Apr. 1998
【publisher】 ICAM CO., LTD.
Takeda, Yoshifumi
 (Director, International Center for Diarrhoeal Disease Reserch, Bangladesh)
 (ex-Director-general, Reserch Institute National Center for Global Health and Medicine)
 (ex-Director-general, National Institute of Infectious Diseases)
【editor】Takeda, Junichiro (ICAM)

【order】 bookstore(in Japan) / amazon.co.jp /
医療をテーマに、風刺画家ホセ・ペルツの絵画、W.スペンス医学博士の解説でおくる「医学の絵本」の日本語版です。 【specification】 287 x 231mm(hardcover):64page(Full Color)
【ISBN Number】 978-4-900960-00-8
【price】 \3,800(tax excluded)
【date of issue】 Sep. 1996
【publisher】 ICAM CO., LTD.
【text】 Wayman R. Spence, M.D.
【illustrator】 Jose S. Perez
【translator】Tomoko, Kawamura (ICAM)

【order】 bookstore(in Japan) / amazon.co.jp /
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