What is the relationship between symbiotic bacteria symbiotic bacteria and us.
The Beginning of Symbiosis
The Beginning of Symbiosis
The movie for the 30th anniversary of the Japan Bifidus Foundation.

【title】 The Beginning of Symbiosis
【specification】 158 x 215 mm (DVD and Book with Box Case)
  [Booklet:80page/Full Color/Japanese/English]
【ISBN Number】 978-4-900960-31-2
【price】 \20,000(tax excluded)
【date of issue】 June 01, 2011
【publisher】 ICAM CO., LTD.

Starting a relationship with symbiotic bacteria, since we were born.

Before long, oxygen is reduced in the intestinal, breast feeding and weaning, according to growth, the superiority of bifidobacteria causes diversification with the kind of symbiosis bacteria. And it degenerated, then forming the person's original bacteria grass.

It is said that 100 trillions symbiotic bacteria in our intestine. What is the relationship between symbiotic bacteria symbiotic bacteria and us.

-Credit Title
-Scenario "The Beginning of Symbiosis"
-Making Staff
-Production Note
Preface (excerpted)
Cooperating in this symbiosis is a population of over 100 trillion bacteria, including Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus and many others, and the immune, nervous and endocrine systems of their hosts. Today rapid progress is being made in elucidating the interactions between these two sides on the molecular and cellular levels. Despite these outstanding research being obtained results, however, much remains unknown.

For example, we still do not know exactly where in the intestines these bacteria reside, what the differences among them are, and how their habitats are segregated. Similarly, reserch has yet to find adequate answers as to the effects of the intestinal bacteria on the architecual development and biological function of the intestines.

To answer these difficult but important questions, we need to gain a visual understanding of the relationships between factors such as the biotopes in which the intestinal bacteria reside and the numbers of bacteria. We believe that many of our fellow researchers share this desire.

This DVD, The Beginning of Symbiosis, was produced with the goal of fulfilling this need. As you watch this DVD, we believe you will find the sheer visual power of symbiosis far more surprising and compelling than any intellectual image you may have formed by perusing the topic in academic journals, textbooks and the like. Even we who participated in the production of this DVD were deeply impressed when we viewed the finished product for the first time. For anyone with an interest in the miracle of the symbiosis for the life, this DVD simply demands to be seen. Japan Bifidus Foandation (JBF)
Kaminogawa, Shuichi (Chairman)
Kiyono, Hiroshi (Chief of General Affairs Office)
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