Spacetime Cube Monade 01 Breath
Year August, 2009
Time 34 min.
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This is 1st movie of "Spacetime Cube Monade"

It seize the phenomena of life both in the time axis and in the space axis, and represent as cube called "Spacetime Cube".
Vertical is spatial axis and horizontal is temporal axis.
If the cube rotate to the front, the space is extending. We will see cells that normally do not appear in our eyes. If the cube rotate to sideways, time is compress. Cells start to move, though only seemed to be stationary to us.
We want let the people see the life which are running and moving as well as a anatomical drawing and a specimen. People can be feel intuitively "a view of life", what a living is, when they came across this movie.
This movie could be enjoyed to everybody, students of medicine, biology and life sciences, doctor, the medical staff, of course the general public.

Summary Breathing. Inhaling air and absorbing its oxygen.

The air passes through the nasal cavity, and strikes the respiratory tract’s walls and reaches the alveolar sacs. The alveolar epithelium type II cells of each alveolus secrete pulmonary surfactant to protect and help to expansion of alveoli.

The gas exchange takes place alveoli and capillaries on them. The hemoglobin in the red blood cells bind with oxygen and carry to all the cells of the body.

Every cell in the body uses oxygen to produce energy, stores as ATP and consumes. And then carbon dioxide occurs. It is carried to alveoli and is exhaled with the breath. The air expelled through our bodies returns to the atmosphere.

The special network of blood vessels of cavity instantly warms and moistens the air. The collaboration between goblet cells secreting mucous and ciliary cells clean the air. As the alveoli expand and contract, the red blood cells also swell and flatten. The water channels named "aquaporins of membranes of the red blood cells support it. Various cells and various molecules are operating breath.
Awards 2010

Staff Director : Takeda, Junichiro
Composer : Takeda, Junichiro
Editor : Takeda, Junichiro
Screenplay : Kawamura, Tomoko / Takeda, Junichiro
Cinematographer : Miyazaki, Syun / Hayashi, Masahiro / Takeda, On / ICAM Camera crew
Experiments : Takaoka, Masayoshi / Kayasuga, Atsushi / Morisaki, Yusuke / Cine-Science Laboratory Co,.Ltd.
SEM : Ishizaki, Michiko / Kitahara, Yukio
VFX : Hayashi, Masahiro
CGI : Nagata, Masami / Park, Hyebin / Oba, Takehide / Mori, Hidetomo
illustrator : Takeda, Setsuko
Music : Miyagawa, Susumu
Narrator : Tsuno, Masai
Cooperation : Tokyo Film Center School of Arts / Ogasawara Whale Watching Association
Adviser : Nemoro, Yuko (Nagasaki Univ.)
Production Manager : Todoroki, Yasuyuki / Yamauchi, Osamu / Suzuki, Kyoko / Sekine, Yumie
Producer : Takeda, Junichiro / Hasegawa, Takahisa / Takeda, Asobu
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