Searching for the Genes of Development and Cell Differentiation
−創造科学技術推進事業 古沢発生遺伝子プロジェクト−
Year March,1992
Time 24 min.
Summary The dawn is only one fertilized egg which divides and transforms to a complex organism. These developmental events are based on information described on genes inherited from the previous generation.

Which genes do grip the key of them?

This film records an ERATO* program of the "Furusawa Genes of Development and Cell Differentiation Project" to challenge this biologically profound mystery.

The latest results concerning the following subjects are introduced: master genes responsible for introversion of the primitive gut, substances controlling germ cells differentiation, and a novel technique providing equalized cDNA library to catalogue all genes.

* Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology program sponsored by Research Development Corporation of Japan
Awards 1993 TEPIAハイテク・ビデオ・フェスタ奨励賞
1993 科学技術映画祭学術研究部門入賞
Planning Research Development Corporation of Japan (JRDC)
  ※The name of a planning company, supervisor and their title is that at the time of completion.
Staff Director : Hiraguchi, Aiko
Screenplay : Hiraguchi, Aiko
Cinematographer : Tochizawa, Masao / Toyomura, Kenji
Experiments : Moriyama, Hitomi / Asaka, Tokio
Art Director : Mori, Hidetomo
Music : Miyagawa, Susumu
Narrator : Ito, Souichi
Production Manager : Toda, Syouichiro
Producer : Takeda, Junichiro / Uetake, Shigehiko